Bootstrapped: Why we're Building Without External Funding

Josh Guenther

Josh Guenther

June 7, 2024
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In an era where venture capital and rapid scaling are often seen as the only paths to success, GetSphere is taking a different approach. We are proud to be a bootstrapped company, building our platform independently without external funding. This choice is not just about maintaining control; it’s about staying true to our mission and values.

Why Bootstrapping Matters

Bootstrapping means growing a business using its own resources rather than relying on external investments. This approach allows us to maintain complete control over our vision, our product, and our priorities. We are not beholden to investors or driven by the pressure to deliver quick returns. Instead, we can focus on what truly matters: building a tool that genuinely serves our community.

It also helps us focus on the three main goals we have for GetSphere:


Staying True to Our Mission

Our mission at GetSphere is to support community builders in creating vibrant, engaging spaces for their members. By bootstrapping, we ensure that every decision we make aligns with this mission. We are not distracted by the need to appease investors or pivot to meet market trends that don’t serve our community’s best interests. This autonomy allows us to prioritize features and improvements that directly benefit our users.


Sustainable Growth Over Rapid Scaling

One of the key benefits of bootstrapping is the ability to grow sustainably. Rapid scaling, often fueled by external funding, can lead to decisions that prioritize short-term gains over long-term stability. At GetSphere, we believe in building a strong foundation that will support our community for years to come. This means taking the time to develop features thoughtfully, ensuring reliability, and focusing on quality over quantity.


Affordable and Community-Focused

Being bootstrapped also allows us to keep our platform affordable. Without the pressure to deliver high returns to investors, we can focus on providing value to our users at a reasonable cost. Our goal is to make community management accessible to all, from small grassroots groups to larger organizations, without compromising on the quality of our tools.

It allows us to set fair pricing that reflects the actual value our tool provides without the heavy pressure to maximize profits for investors. This flexibility allows us to focus on supporting communities of all sizes, rather than exclusively pursuing customers with larger sales budgets.

Join Us

Building for Community Builders

We are community builders building for community builders. This perspective shapes everything we do. By maintaining our independence, we can stay closely connected to our users’ needs and respond quickly to their feedback. Our commitment is to build a tool that supports your community’s growth, engagement, and success.

Join Us on This Journey

We are excited about the future of GetSphere and the communities we are helping to build. Our bootstrapped approach is a testament to our dedication and passion for creating a platform that truly serves its purpose. We invite you to join us on this journey, experience the difference of a community-focused tool, and be a part of something built with integrity and care.

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Thank you for your support and for believing in the power of independent growth. Together, we can build stronger, more vibrant communities. wordmark

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